Writers Den
The online community where freelance writers learn how to grow their income — fast.
Join 1500+ writers and grow your writing income
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Take a virtual tour of the Freelance Writers Den online writing community. Learn more about our member benefits that can help you build writing skills, confidence and income while staying connected to peers and experts.
How active is our community?
We’re busy! With over 80,000 forum posts since the Den opened in 2011 — over 10,000 of those questions have been answered by the Den founder herself — Carol Tice! We have more than a dozen moderators on our team to steer you to the resources you need, including experienced editors who provide valuable feedback.

Why join the Den?
Members explain how the Freelance Writers Den has helped them accomplish their goals with an active writing support forum, accountability partners, useful trainings on writing, marketing and more.

Our members explain…
$700 Article—for my dream pub!
I got my first assignment letter yesterday, from my first round of pitches in the Freelance Marketing Mastery bootcamp! I’m SUPER stoked, because it’s for a trade magazine for hospitals, which means really wonky, in-the-weeds topics for healthcare professionals. Oh—and it pays $700! The editor was very clear that’s a starter rate for an initial project, and it’ll be higher for future assignments. And this clip should help me get more clients like this one. Glad I took this Den bootcamp, which gave me the guts to go for it. —Lisa Baker, health writer,
Sold a feature to Glassdoor!
Big thanks to [pitch editor] Evan, who helped me fine-tune my LOI for Glassdoor (after being referred by a friend). I’d like to report my pitch was successful! The high visibility of Glassdoor…will provide me with a return in one way or another. It took more than 9 months total, but referrals are the way to go, even if they take a long time to gain traction. —Mark Dyson
Six figures, 5 years in a row!
I’ve been a full-time freelance writer for almost 9 years, and whenever someone asks me for advice on how to make money as a freelance writer, I always refer them to Carol Tice and! Whether you’re a new or aspiring freelance writer who’s just getting started, or a mid-career writer who needs a tune-up to improve your marketing and pitching prowess, I highly recommend Freelance Writers Den.
I hired Carol a few years ago for one-on-one mentoring and she immediately helped me get thousands of dollars of results. Being a freelance writer has changed my life for the better in every possible way, and I’ve been amazed at how much my earning power has grown.
Don’t wait, just sign up now. Join the Den. Take a step today to transform your career. I used to be trapped in a miserable cubicle job, and now I get paid to be creative, I travel the world, hang out in my pajamas and sip coffee in my cozy home office and spend lots of time with my kids. You can do it, too! —Ben Gran
Got my first REAL client!
I’m happy to say I’ve just landed my first ‘real’ client (i.e., not through an agency or referrals)—and it wouldn’t have happened without the Den bootcamp with Joshua Boswell. I found the contact through a Slack community in my niche.
When I went to LinkedIn to connect with a member, I told her I noticed they have a lot of good stuff on their blog, and asked if they ever use outside writers. She said they were always looking! She liked my samples, but went silent after I quoted my fee. I sent a follow-up and gave a menu of prices for shorter posts up through white papers—and she offered me $500 of work. Amazing! I have a feeling this will turn into a regular gig (and I’m already thinking about upsells). This bootcamp has already more than paid for itself! —Sam Sinha, food and tech writer,
Made it into the top US magazine!
I’ve had a long-term goal to write for AARP Magazine, because they’re the largest-circulation pub in the country (and one of the best-paying). I discovered they have a new digital component, and they’ve asked me to contribute personal essays from my experience as a black woman. Looks like I have two assignments from AARP already, and the first is at $1 a word.
Big shout-out to my Den accountability partner Ayelet, who encouraged me to keep up my LinkedIn contacts! —Williesha Morris, social media and small-business writer, Tuscaloosa, AL |
From $400 a month–to 6 Figures!
My first three months as a freelancer, I made $400 a month. I just did my taxes, and I made well over $100,000 freelancing! Considering that last January and February I only made $1,500-2,000 a month, I’m pretty amazed — and I owe a LOT of it to what I learned from the Den! —Kat Tretina
Quadrupled my income!
I’ve been a member of the Den for a few years, starting when I was just contemplating going full time. From the forums, to the bootcamps, to the Thursday calls, there’s a wealth of information for whatever point you’re at in your freelance career. I’ve been able to quadruple my income! —Larry Bernstein
What does it cost?
Freelance Writers Den membership is $40 a month. The charge is month-to-month and there’s no ongoing obligation. You’re free to end your membership at any time.
Right now, Den membership is over 1,600 members — that’s a lot of support and expertise you can tap into.

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We will cheerfully refund your money! We only want Den members who are thrilled to be here.