Maybe you’re a fairly new freelance writer earning $20,000 — but really need to earn $40,000. Or you’re an experienced writer still struggling to attain the $80,000 or $100,000+ yearly income you know you deserve.
It’s like there’s a turnoff you missed somewhere, on the highway to freelance success. Hey — every top-earning writer once was right where you are now.
There's a ton of opportunity out there — yes, even during Covid! But hiring a coach to steer you the right direction costs a fortune (usually $3,000-$10,000 and up).
If that's out of your league, good news: Now, coach Carol Tice has created an affordable, 'self-study' version of her proven program for doubling your income (or more!).
Introducing the self-study version of Carol's proven Freelance Writers Den 2X Income Accelerator program. After seeing too many writers struggle alone, feeling desperate and confused about how to create a solid writing income, Carol created a more accessible Den 2X just for you. What's inside?
Times are hard, and writing jobs aren't falling from the trees, like they did in, say, 2019. Also, this is a lonely career that's hard to excel at, if you're working all alone. Who can make themselves do serious marketing? In our experience: nobody.
If you need a reliable, lucrative income from writing, now's the time to join a proven, step-by-step program and support community where you learn to create a sustainable, lucrative writing business that thrives, no matter what.
Is that what you need? Then click the button below:
“I’ve seen a sharp increase in income and incoming leads, since going through the Den 2X program–and that’s just from updating my website, portfolios, and my LinkedIn. The clients I've gained are recurring clients, which has helped me jump to almost $100k in my first year of freelancing full time! Thanks, Carol.” —Dawn Killough
“I doubled my income within the first year of completing 2X and I’ve only been increasing my income since then. Also, I cannot emphasize just how valuable it is to be part of the graduate Slack group. This is a daily resource for having somewhere to vent, share success stories, find resources, ask for advice on pricing, and more. Den 2X is the best thing you can do with your money if you’re a freelance writer.” —Chanoa Tarle
Writers are good at...writing, naturally! But there’s often a big knowledge gap when it comes to building a profitable writing business. Freelance Writers Den 2X fills in the blanks. You'll analyze where you’re at now — and be guided to create a concrete, actionable plan to move up.
With 5+ years of experience running Den 2X, this is now a highly focused, 6-month program. In this self-study version, you'll move through the Den 2X Road Map at your own pace, identifying and overcoming the obstacles that have kept you from achieving your income goals.
Hi — I’m Carol Tice, a six-figure freelance writer and author of the award-winning Make a Living Writing blog. I’m proud of the 7-year track record I’ve built coaching other writers on how to earn more.
I’ve been a freelance writer myself for nearly 20 years (still working!), and have earned a full-time living from writing since 1995. I cracked six figures in 2011. My freelance clients have included Deloitte, Costco, American Express, Delta Sky, Alaska Beyond, Forbes, Entrepreneur, Seattle Magazine, and many more.
Hello! I’m Angie, the Moderator-in-Chief for the Freelance Writers Den and a freelancer for the past decade. I worked my way up from content mills, starting out in the bad old days of Demand Studios (when they still called it that).
After graduating Den 2X myself, I now make a comfortable living writing case studies and white papers for clients who don’t make me want to pull my hair out. I also work alongside Carol to help writers find their way to bigger, better clients.
“My goal coming into 2X was to shift from querying editors to attracting business clients, because it would pay more and be less of a crapshoot. After taking the Den 2X self-study course, I’m making enough that I’ve already cut back on magazine pitches by one-third! I used the Den 2X materials to analyze my current business and the possibilities for new clients in my health-tech niche.
“The information on writing letters of introduction targeting businesses was huge. And I started sending LOIs to businesses that looked promising. I fixed up my LinkedIn and tinkered a bit with my pretty rudimentary web presence. By early summer, I'd picked up a couple of good retainer clients. And by mid-summer, I had three and had raised my prices a bit with the first two. Together, they provide a solid base income, and doing better-paid work leaves me extra hours so I can send journalistic queries that interest me. That was my goal, and by tapping into the Den resources, I got it ... in just a few months. So I’m quite happy!”—Marcia Clemmitt
"I was earning $2,500 per month consistently before I joined Den 2X, knowing this would be my step up. The tailored program helped me separate the wheat from the chaff of online advice you see all over the Internet... I was able to look at my client analysis and devise a marketing plan for myself. Now, the website I developed as part of Den2X brings me at least 7 leads a week. Plus 5 leads a week off my LinkedIn profile, which Den2X helped me improve. I recently secured two $1,100 per month clients off LinkedIn and am on my way to 2xing my income by the end of the program. Plus, Den2X has given me a beautiful mindset and some great pals. I am so excited about the fact that I can consistently use the training to 2X my income EVERY YEAR. Thank you Carol for making me believe it was possible to achieve financial freedom while having freedom of lifestyle.” —Divya Agrawal
Fair question! The Den 2X full coaching program with monthly live masterminds was $1,500+.
Now, you can claim your self-study Den 2X seat for just $699!
Learn how Sylvie and Neil multiplied their incomes as a Den 2X student!
If you're thinking, 'Could I just hire Carol for individual coaching instead?' the answer is no. And here's why: in nearly a decade mentoring writers, Carol found 1-on-1 coaching alone doesn't create career transformation. She's tried it, but didn't like the lack of reliable results. Meanwhile, many 'gurus' charge thousands for just a few hours' time.
With 1-on-1 alone, your mentor is at a different career stage than you are. Their earnings seem unachievable. And it’s lonely, trying to ramp your business all by yourself.
That’s why Freelance Writers Den 2X Income Accelerator combines peer-group and buddy support with advanced training, with the option to add 1-on-1 coaching time.
This is the proven Den 2X formula for skyrocketing your writing income. And at a cost of just $699, it's an insane value, considering how much more you'll earn in the years to come, thanks to your 2X training.
Freelance Writers Den 2X income Accelerator is for motivated, working freelance writers who're ready to take action to grow their writing income.
If you're frozen in fear, the Den 2X materials won't help you. With this self-study version, you need to be a self-starter. This is an active program, where you'll build and execute on a concrete growth plan.
You should have at least one full year of freelance experience, and have had at least a handful of clients. There needs to be existing freelance income for us to work on doubling it, right?
Why do we exclude brand-new freelance writers from Den 2X? The steps we prescribe in 2X won’t be relevant or helpful if you have yet to find your first client. Recommend newbies join Freelance Writers Den as a basic member instead — our archive full of get-started trainings will get you launched.
"Last Thursday, I just closed February’s accounts, and I grossed a shade under $7,200. I smashed my previous record, back in September, by $1,000.” —Charles
Imagine the lifestyle you'd lead if you earned twice as much money as you do right now. No, really — take a minute, close your eyes, and envision it. Starting each day on your own schedule, knowing you have client work booked that pays all your bills and more. Would you move, travel, give to causes you love?
You know that if you keep doing what you've always done, you'll get what you have now: Feast-or-famine, uncertainty, and low income. Nobody levels-up without a robust program and people supporting their progress. So let's do this!
If you're tired of struggling alone, and need to make this happen in the coming year, Den 2X is here for you.
One payment of $699
Joining Den 2X is truly risk-free!
Feel free to get started on the materials and spend an entire initial month with them. Think it's not for you? We'll cheerfully refund your entire program investment.
Because Freelance Writers Den 2X Income Accelerator is a proven program where students who do the work reliably get results, we feel completely confident in offering you this guarantee. We've never been asked for a refund yet!
© 2022 Freelance Writers Den