Checking out Pitch Clinic? Good for you!

Our Freelance Writers Den bootcamps pack a lot of learning into a short time—and taking a class inside our community has a few special angles to it.  

To make it easy to get up to speed, here are answers to all the common questions we get about Den classes in general, and Pitch Clinic in particular:  

1. Is Pitch Clinic suitable for new freelance writers? 

Sure thing! Why not skip all the floundering around, trying to figure out what editors want to see in a pitch, and learn from the pros? This course is designed to deliver the nuts and bolts and give you the confidence to go after top-paying article assignments, with just a 60-day burst of learning.  

2. What will you cover in Pitch Clinic?

We cover how to develop salable ideas, as well as proven approaches and templates for query letters and business-pitches. That’s month one. Then, in the second month, you can post up to 8 pitches on the class forums and get real-world feedback from our team of working magazine and business-site editors.

3. What if I mainly write business content? Is Pitch Clinic useful for me?

It definitely is! One of our training modules focuses specifically on writing letters of introduction (LOIs), the type of pitch you send to businesses. And some of our editor team work for business sites. If you’ve always wanted to move up and pitch bigger sites or companies, Pitch Clinic can help make that happen.

4. How do I get the editor feedback?  

We have exclusive forums for homework that you’ll use to post your ideas, drafts and other assignments. Editors will respond right on our forums. They’re here to help you build a pitch editors will love.

5. How flexible is this? I work a day job...

No problem! We record and transcribe everything. Each week in the first month of Pitch Clinic, we’ll release pre-recorded trainings/transcripts for you to watch as you have time. You also get four live Q&A calls and support in an exclusive 24/7 homework forum. Not available Tuesdays at 11 Pacific / 2 Eastern for live Q&As? You can submit questions ahead of time and listen to or read answers later. In other words, we’re 100% flexible!

6. Can I keep the materials?

Yes, you can! They’re all downloadable, for as long as you’re a Den member.

7. When does Pitch Clinic begin?

Our first official day of class is Oct. 1, and our first live event will be a bonus training on Oct. 8, ‘Let’s Make Your Story Idea Not Suck!’ For the first month, Carol Tice and Den/Make a Living Writing editor Evan Jensen will help you refine your pitch ideas. Then, in month two, our team of pro editors takes over and reviews your pitch letters pn the class homework forum.

8. How long will registration be open?

Earlybird registration (where you get some highly useful bonuses) ends Sept. 24. The last day to get into Pitch Clinic is (extended!) to Monday, Oct. 7. 

9. What’s the advantage of registering early?

Besides claiming some tasty bonuses, registering early (prior to Sept. 25) gives you extra time to learn about story ideas and develop your queries and pitches! That can be a stumbling block for some students, so we’re opening up registration early, in case you feel like you want that extra time to prep your idea and proposed headline. These 8 weeks will go fast, though it should be plenty of time to develop ideas and then create 8 pitches during our Pitch Challenge month in November. We find students love that extra idea-development time, so we offer it. Course bonuses and initial materials are also already posted, so you can dive right in. 

10. Does this course include membership in your Freelance Writers Den community? 

Yes, it does! This session of Pitch Clinic is a Den bootcamp. That means you can access all of our 300+ hours of trainings and 24/7 forums during your class time, and supplement your learning.

11. If I’m not taking it now, can I take Pitch Clinic at a future time?

Not anytime soon, sorry. This is a tough class to present because of the need to get several busy, working editors’ schedules to align. It was last presented 3 years ago, and it could easily be 3 more years before we can do it again!

12. What if I want to stay on as a Den member after the bootcamp?

You’re all set — your bootcamp membership will automatically roll into $25-a-month, regular Den membership (and save you big on upcoming bootcamps) after the 2 months of class. No waiting up to 6 months for us to open for new members again!

13. What if I want the bootcamp, but don’t want to be an ongoing Den member? I just want to come take this one class and then leave...

No problem! You can set up your registration as bootcamp-only—see the special button for that at the BOTTOM of the registration page. You can also join us for Pitch Clinic and Den membership afterwards, and if you change your mind about staying on, just cancel your regular-membership payments by Nov. 30. (If you forget, just tell us within 48 hours and we’ll refund you. No worries!)

14. Is there a contract or obligation to stay on in the Den?

No way! The Den is month to month, no obligation, leave anytime.

15. What if I join for class, but quickly see it or the Den isn’t for me?

We offer a 7-day trial guarantee on both, so feel free to give us a try! If within a week, you realize the Den or this bootcamp is simply not what you need, we'll refund you. It's no risk. I'm confident that once you get a taste of the support and learning the Den offers, and the focused, hands-on learning of bootcamp, you'll want to stay. 

16. Can I pay via Paypal or with a credit card?

Either will work! (When you join, watch for the text cart link that says ‘pay with a credit card without Paypal,’ if you want that option.)

17. Do you offer a payment plan?

Not currently, but if we hear from enough people who want it, we will. (There would be an upcharge for paying over time, like there is everywhere.) If a 2-pay would make it happen for you, email [email protected] and let the helpdesk know. UPDATE: We've added a 2-pay option -- email helpdesk for a link.

18. What about a special deal for Canadians? You know our exchange rate super-sucks right now…

See just above. Email the helpdesk if you want that, we have a link for you.

19. How does the Pitch Clinic ‘crazy’ refund offer work?

It’s simple: If you can create 8 query or pitch letters in November that the editors approve as good to send out, we will refund your bootcamp fee. Yes, we’re aware that’s nuts—but we like motivated students, and this offer gets people off their rears and in gear! Also, we’re always looking for success stories out of our classes, and students who put together that many good pitches often get a paid gig out of it—and that gives us our testimonials. It’s a win-win.

19. Are there other opportunities like this you could recommend, where I can learn online from working pro magazine editors?

Not that I’m aware of! 

20. What if I'm a Den member - is this course free?

You're free to self-study the Pitch Clinic materials as part of your Den membership. If you'd like to hop on the Q&As with Linda Formichelli and our editors, and get editor feedback on your queries and pitch letters in our homework forums, you'll need to become a full participation student.

See your email for a link to your 'Den deal' that adds full bootcamp access to your membership, or email [email protected] for assistance.

Still have questions about Pitch Clinic? 

Check out the info page, it’s got all the details on what we’ll cover, who our editors will be, when Q&As will be held, and more. Still baffled? Email us at [email protected]. My handy helpers are happy to fill you in!  


Learn to write pitches that sell!

Freelance Writer's Pitch Clinic Just $297

You can download and keep all our Pitch Clinic materials. Enjoy vital feedback that grows your skills for earning well as a writer.


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