Get Better Writing Clients NOW!

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How to 2x or 3x Your Writing Income… Without Doubling Your Time

Yes! You can...

  • Get paid more,
  • Enjoy more respect from clients, and 
  • Boost your lifestyle  

With this simple, proven 4-part system for landing great clients - especially high-paying retainer clients!

Get paid more for writing!
Joshua Boswell and his family

My name is Joshua T Boswell. I’m a husband (convinced the lovely Margie to marry me 24 years ago!)... a daddy (we have 11 children)... and a writer, just like you.  

I invite you to join me for an exclusive Freelance Writer’s Den Bootcamp: “Freelance Marketing Mastery: Get Better Writing Clients Now!”  

Before you decide, let me tell you why this could be the most important decision of your writing career... 

My Story

In 2005, I killed a business that left me over $200,000 in debt. No income. No college degree. No resources. 

What I did have was 6 children to feed, rent to make, taxes and utility bills.  

I used a very powerful system to transform my life. I escaped that nightmare and live life on my own terms. All because of writing. 

In just 4 video sessions… and 4 live Q&A sessions… I show you exactly what I did. I give you more than 15 years of my experience, testing and insights. 

Not only that, but I have coached and trained more than 6,500 other writers. I focus on helping them land clients, make great money, and create an amazing lifestyle.  

During this new and exclusive (no one else in my world gets this) new training, I show you my exact process for helping writers make more money by landing great clients - especially retainer gigs. More on that in a minute, but first meet a few of my past students… 

Alison Disque

"This is a BRILLIANT Program!!!"

"A contact on LinkedIn asked for my rates :) Joshua has amazing ideas, insight, ability to redirect and share so generously all his experience!!!" —Alison Disque

Rick Boatright

"This is a system that I can integrate... as an on-going, integrated part of long-term success."

"I started doing the LinkedIn daily activities immediately after Joshua outlined them for us….  

In just a few weeks, I landed two projects with a great client. Over $2,000 in a very short time, with about an hour of writing a day. I like it. 

I particularly like the fact that this is a SYSTEM that I can integrate into my copywriting BUSINESS." —Dr. Rick Boatright  


I can’t promise you results. Only you can do that.

We both know it takes work and discipline and skill, right? Yes, of course. But, I can promise to give you the process, tools, templates and scripts that I gave Alison and Rick… and thousands of other writers.  

Many of these writers were already making money and landing gigs, but they wanted more.  

For example, consider Josh Vickery. He was working full time, doing writing on the side. I showed him my System and here’s what happened… his retainer income exploded…

Josh Vickery

"$2,000 in a very short time, with about an hour of writing a day. I like it."

"I started doing the LinkedIn daily activities immediately after Joshua outlined them for us…. One morning, when I was checking my LinkedIn responses, a practice owner asked me about re-writing a prospecting email. I looked it over, told him what I could do, and sent him a contract with a $250 quote.

50% showed up in my PayPal account and he emailed me back the signed contract. He was pleased with the copy. He paid immediately and asked me if I could rewrite his six-email autoresponder series. I looked at it and saw that there was probably a need for two additional ones. I gave him a proposal for eight, explained why and found a deposit for 50% in my PayPal account the next morning.  

That’s over $2,000 in a very short time, with about an hour of writing a day. I like it. I love the feeling of BEING a professional copywriter, rather than pursuing it somewhere off in the future. I particularly like the fact that this is a SYSTEM that I can integrate into my copywriting BUSINESS as an on-going, integrated part of long-term success. I’ve had intermittent work in the past, but I think this approach can produce a steadier stream of work. —Dr. Rick Boatright  

Or my buddy Jake Hoffberg. He’s a young kid in his early 20’s. Very little writing experience. He was selling children’s education books door to door a few years ago. He got my system for landing high-quality retainer clients and… well, I’ll let him tell the rest…

Jake Hoffberg

"One year after I got my first paid writing project, I made $140,000."

“In Joshua’s program, I really felt like I was making progress. I got specifics like a rate sheet, contracts and how to get hired. It gave me a lot of confidence. One year after I got my first paid writing project, I had made $140,000." —Jake Hoffberg, Chicago, IL 

Jake now makes much more… and yes, it’s steady income. I don’t teach feast-or-famine methods, like so many other coaches.

Ready for reliable freelance income?

Your Time is NOW — Let’s Get Started!

My system is for writers who are great at their craft and usually already have some clients under their belt, but are frustrated with making peanuts and constantly chasing down clients. 

Unlike other systems, I don’t just show you how to land great clients, I focus on helping you create a lifestyle… a lifestyle filled with things that matter most to you.

What do I mean by lifestyle? Well, are you a writer so you can sit at a desk all day? Yeah, me, neither. I do this to make good money, enjoy the respect of my peers and clients, and have time to focus on things that matter most to me (my family, church service, experiencing life to the fullest!).

In just 4 weeks — a total of 8 sessions together — I'll give you my system for increasing your income, without working longer hours. 

Your time is now!
Writer's secret...

The secret lies in how you position yourself as a writer — and landing the right kinds of clients. 

The shocking reality is that some clients simply pay more. I learned this during my first year as a writer. I was shocked to discover that, because of my approach, I was making 2x to 3x the fees that other writers were making… for the exact same assignments!  

Here's how it works:  

Introductory Video If you didn't attend my webinar, How to Find Great-Paying Retainer Clients without Complex, Expensive Marketing Systems, you'll start by diving in here. This training gives you the fundamentals of retainer deals. Plus, I give you some incredible insights on the psychology behind why writers get hired… and why some writers get paid more than others. We've also got 3 tasty bonuses for you, if you register before class begins...

3 Bonuses More on the bonuses in a minute… for now, just know that Carol and I are giving you over $1,100 in tools, resources and gifts. Each designed to help you land great clients and secure retainer deals. I’m serious about boosting your lifestyle! Read on for more details…  

Each Week: High-Leverage, High-Results Homework To help you rapidly build your freelance career and get hired by great clients, I give you targeted homework. I’ve removed all the fluff and give you exercises that will move the needle and make a big difference… like it did for Josh and Jake.  

Recordings, Handouts and Transcripts Our materials are yours to download and re-read or watch at your leisure. We record and transcribe everything.

Homework Forum & Live Q&As Throughout class, you'll be able to ask questions and "talk shop" with your fellow writers on the 24/7 class forum. Carol and I will also hold live weekly Q&A Web meetings in May, to ensure all your questions get answered.  

Let's break down the learning, week by week:

I currently sell a version of every module in this Bootcamp as a standalone program. Take a look at each element and the value you’re getting… 

Opportunity Awareness

WEEK 1: 

Opportunity Awareness ($49 value) 

Q&A Coaching Call May 7: 11 PST / 2 EST

Listen: This one session will pay for your entire Bootcamp! I discovered the secret for spotting great paying clients, and you'll learn it here. This skill spills over into my writing as well. It allows me to see angles, hooks, and big ideas that others miss… making me in-demand by clients. I also give you my pricing strategy. I close over 90% of my deals, and so can you.

Become an expert


Instant Expert Status ($79 value)  

Q&A Coaching Call May 14: 11 PST / 2 EST 

Experts get paid more. Period. But, did you realize, they also work less? I show you the blueprint for becoming an instant expert in your field. I give you the magic of the RAS trigger to grab and hold attention. Then we dive into storytelling - the key to converting expert status into client flow.  



Prescriptive Negotiating ($129 value)  

Q&A Coaching Call May 21: 11 PST / 2 EST

Every deal has an “alpha” and a “beta.” Discover the art of asking powerful questions. The person asking the questions is the expert, is the alpha, and controls the conversation (and fee structure, deal flow, and project). Create a winning “bag of tricks” to attract higher-paying clients and close more deals.

Get paid for writing!


The Endless Profit Matrix ($249 value)

Q&A Coaching Call May 28: 11 PST / 2 EST

Your ideal lifestyle happens when you have more time and more money. You MUST stop chasing tiny, one-off clients to have a great lifestyle. I show you my exact system for taking a small project ($500) and turning it into a huge client ($50,000). This is my proprietary system, found nowhere else. It is the #1 system for transforming your lifestyle!

More Success Stories from My Writing Students…

Rosemary Froehlich

"Payment arrived today"

I got my first paying client last week and payment arrived today 👊The client found me via LinkedIn (I love when that happens 💖). I wrote a blog article for them which they thought was great! (with an exclamation point :-) Couldn't do this without Joshua T Boswell. Thanks :-) —Rosemary Froehlich 

Jan Evans

"Celebrating success"

Like all changes we seek to make in our lives -- nobody can do it for us. Give yourself the opportunity to succeed. Make the call. Send the email. Last week I closed a $3,500 assignment with a phone call appointment. You can do it too! Celebrating success. —Jan Evans

Robin Borchelt

"Landed my first client"

Joshua, I want to let you know that I landed my first client, a boutique web designer and Google Partner. I sent the assigned home page draft to him yesterday, and will receive a check Friday! Thank you for helping me preparee for my new career as a B2B web copywriter! —Robin Borchelt  

Eric Buensuceso

"Landed my first client"

Joshua's course "A simple path..." has been instrumental in getting my copywriting business off the ground and running. I now have 3 clients and counting in just 3 months, with more on the way. Thank you Joshua, you continue to inspire and motivate me. —Dr. Eric Buensuceso

Ready for the income and success you deserve?


What Make This Program Unique? 

Freelance Marketing Mastery: Get Better Writing Clients Now is for writers who are less interested in landing a few clients and more interested in using their writing skills to improve their overall quality of life. You are frustrated with chasing clients, the pain of feast-and-famine cycles, and making way less than you are worth. 

I have spent 15 years unlocking the secrets of the freelance writing world. Unlike other coaches or programs, I have written for some of the largest companies, PR firms, and publications in the world (Google, Sony, DCI Communications, St. Jude’s, just to name a few). My writing has made me millions and given me an astonishing lifestyle.

And, also unlike other so-called experts out there, I’m not only an in-demand writer, but I’ve taught over 6,500 writers how to land clients and transform their lives. 

With all of that, now consider that I’ve teamed up with Carol Tice, one of the foremost experts in helping freelance writers make a real living as writers. You know Carol — she’s amazing and brilliant. And I’m offering my System for the first time INSIDE Freelance Writers Den.

No other program out there combines our experience, insight and skills in one place.  

More course benefits:  

  • Save a ton of time. No more trial and error!  
  • Launch faster, earn more. Be one of the elite set of new freelance writers who earns well their first year! 
  • Stop chasing low-paid 'opportunities' on content mills and bid sites, and learn where the $$ is. 
  • Gain insight into where you fit, where good pay can be found, where clients are eager for your help.
  • Access EVERYTHING in Freelance Writers Den! We have 300+ hours of additional trainings to supplement your knowledge -- even one about how to stop feeling scared and become a fearless marketer.
  • Get templates. Crush the learning curve! Don’t try to get creative. Just swipe my system - the stuff I know works - and focus on getting great clients.
  • Keep it simple. My process is not complicated. Essentially, I show you how to up your game and land better clients and close retainer deals… all in just 4 training sessions!

Meet your instructors:

Joshua T. Boswell

Joshua T. Boswell is a husband, father, speaker, consultant, writer, and entrepreneur. He’s blissfully married to his “Dream Girl,” Margie and together they have 11 rather amazing children.  

Joshua’s writing clients have included companies such as Sony, Microsoft, GM, Verizon, Google, Toshiba, St. Jude Children’s Hospital, Catholic Relief Fund, Agora Publishing, and AWAI, just to name a few. Joshua is intensely focused on helping copywriters live the writer’s life. He freely shares his best secrets and insights on landing clients and working less, while making more as a writer.  

Working from home, and living life on his own terms, Joshua states, “Writing has allowed me to reach every major financial goal I’ve set. Every year my income goes up and my workload goes down. This allows me to live the writer’s life in amazing ways. It’s possible when you have a step-by-step system. I love sharing that system with other writers.”

Joshua Boswell

Carol Tice

Longtime freelance writer Carol Tice created the award-winning Make a Living Writing blog, and founded the 1000+ member Freelance Writers Den community. Her first big retainer client earned her so much extra income, she took her family — including her parents — on an Alaska cruise. Carol has coached hundreds of writers to higher earnings and success over the past 7 years. She's presented more than 25 online training courses.

Carol Tice

Yes, I'm ready to earn more and boost my lifestyle!


Why register now? 

Incredible value and potential return on your investment: 

Consider the value and potential you’re getting…

  • Week #1: Opportunity Awareness. Get X-Ray vision on the best opportunities for both you and your clients. ($49 value… Total value so far: $49)
  • Week #2: Instant Expert Status. Get paid more and work less as a recognized expert in your field. ($79 value… Total Value so far: $128)
  • Week #3: Prescriptive Negotiating. Close your deals and command high fees, without being a jerk or uncomfortable. ($129 value… Total value so far: $257)
  • Week #4: The Endless Profit Matrix. Discover my proprietary system for landing retainers and turning small projects into huge clients. ($249 value… Total value so far: $506)
  • Resources: Tools, Templates, Coaching, Contracts and More! You get my entire Toolbox. It’s packed full of my best scripts, resources, and templates. You also get four live Q&A sessions with Carol and me and a full month of Den access. ($624 value… Total value so far: $1,130) 

Register Now and Get These 3 BONUSES!

Each of these powerful bonuses are designed to increase your odds of winning better clients and boosting your overall quality of life.

But, heads up! These bonuses are only available if you register by April 25. After that, you’ll still get all the great training and resources, but the Bonuses are for those that act fast and early. Be sure to register early, so you don’t miss out on these:

  • BONUS COURSE: Storytelling Secrets. I give you the three most essential elements of telling a good story. You’ll discover how to use stories to convert your writing skills into a great income. This is a core skill for all serious writers. ($39 value… Total value so far: $1,169)
  • BONUS COURSE: Millionaire Time Management. I have done over 50 private interviews with millionaires and billionaires. I share with you their secrets for managing their time and getting things done. Work smarter, write faster, live life more fully. ($199 value… Total value so far: $1,368)
  • BONUS COURSE: Pitching 101. Get the client-research fundamentals you need with Carol's 3-module Pitching 101 course -- learn to quickly find free lists of great prospects, the right contact, and grab a pitch template, too. (Value $97… Total value so far: $1,465). 

So how much is it?

What's your investment, for all these resources, insights, personalized homework feedback, and live Q&A coaching time with Joshua and Carol? 

Your cost is just $1,465 $297! 

You have to admit, that’s a crazy price for getting this hands-on help and mentoring. The bonuses alone are worth almost double your registration investment!  

What IF...

What if, because of all these secrets and systems I’m giving you, you landed just ONE retainer client… even a small one could be worth $500 a month. That’s $6,000 a year of consistent income.  

How would that change your life? (And, GASP, what if it was a serious retainer deal, for around $2,000 - $5,000 a month?! It happens!)  

And what if you had a system that consistently brought in potential clients (that’s what Expert Status could do for you…) so you could cherry-pick the best ones? You could potentially raise your rates, fire low-paying clients, and say “YES” to better-paying, more respectable gigs.  

Just think how that would lower your stress and increase your quality of life. Believe me, it’s a sweet situation to be in.

Imagine your day as a full-time freelance writer...

No more day job, no boss, keeping your own hours, enjoying the satisfaction of being in business for yourself. Aren't you ready to make it happen? 

Daydreaming writer
Daryl Watson

"Got my first real client–and launched my career"

"After just a few weeks in the Den, I went to a networking event and got my very first REAL client – one who was willing to pay a professional rate. I’ve since used the Den’s resources to build an SEO-friendly website that’s brought in more work opportunities than I know what to do with! My cannabis writing took off, and now I have three regular clients, plus two more that give me project work.  

If you’re a freelance writer, and you want to take your business to the next level, join The Freelance Writers Den. It’s one of the best investments you can make.”  

—Daryl Watson, The Cannabis Copywriter, the 

Lisa Rupple

"Got my first $3,000 contract!"

"In my Den bootcamp, I learned how to identify profitable niches and prospects relevant to my background and interests, including government contracting. Armed with my scripts vetted by Carol Tice and the bootcamp team, I reached out to a former colleague and shared my niche areas. We never got farther down the referral script than that. He immediately said that he had a few projects right now.  

We met, discussed his needs, and I negotiated a higher quote. The Den’s Get Your First Freelance Writing Jobs Bootcamp got me my first $3,000 contract! Without the bootcamp, I wouldn’t have reached out to this contact, and I would have woefully underbid. The bootcamp has more than paid for itself!"

—Lisa Rupple, Cleveland, Ohio

That sound good? 

Then let's get you into Freelance Marketing Mastery and get you serious clients — including retainer deals — NOW...


$297 ($1,465)

No-Risk Guarantee

Not sure if this course is for you? Try this bootcamp out at no risk! Give our course materials and the Den a try for up to 7 days. If you decide it's not for you, we'll cheerfully refund your money. (We’d like to say “No questions asked,” but we’ll be dying to know how we can make our classes better.)


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